I am an active individual who enjoys fitness, but also the relaxing joys of cooking, reading, and exploring new places. I am divorced, but my ex-wife and I are fully devoted to our son (who was conceived through an egg donor; I was the sperm donor). Our hope is that being an embryo donor will bring pure happiness to a needy couple.
- Snapshot of my life and family:
I grew up two younger siblings and have lived around the world. My family is extremely important to me, so we’re close. Being a father to my son has been an immense joy.
- Fertility story:
My ex-partner and I tried for years to conceive naturally without any success. We went through multiple bouts of IVF treatment and still couldn’t find success. We then chose an egg donor and achieved success. Two viable embryos were made, one of which led to our beautiful son.
- Infertility diagnosis or N/A:
- Marital status: Single
- My Information:
- I Am: Male
- My Age: 41 - 45
- My Race: Caucasian
- My Eye Color: Blue
- My Hair Color: Medium Brown
- My Education/employment info: Bachelor of Arts; Master of Arts (International Affairs); employed by US Government
- Partner Information: (Or N/A)
- My Partner Is: N/A
- Partner Age or N/A: N/A
- Patner Race or N/A: N/A
- Partner Eye Color or N/A: N/A
- Partner Hair Color: N/A
- Partner education/employment info or N/A: N/A
- Was an egg donor used or N/A? Yes
- Was sperm donor used or N/A? No
- Any children resulting from this batch of embryos? Yes
- Any other children? (If so please explain) No
- How many embryos do you have available to donate? 1
- Name or city/state of clinic/facility where embryos were created: Miami, Florida/IVFMD
- Name and city/state of clinic/facility where embryos are stored: Miami/Florida/IVFMD
- Year when your embryo(s) were frozen: 2022
- Overall embryo batch quality: High
- Stage when frozen: Blastocyst
- Final Thoughts (This are is for both embryo donors and embryo recipients. Please clarify any answers from above or include any info you would like to share):
It would truly bring me joy to donate the embryo to a needy family. I was on that journey and I know how costly and emotionally difficult the journey is. I love my healthy and beautiful son dearly, who also came from the other embryo. Please feel free to contact me if interested.

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