Wanted: A loving family to cherish my two special embryos.
Our family is complete with a little boy and then a little girl and we now wish to make another special family’s wishes come true.
We are working professionals that love traveling, and enriching the lives of our kids through extracurriculars and academics. We take advantage of the nice CA Bay Area weather to raise our kids.
- Snapshot of my life and family:
We are busy working professionals that feel very blessed by our children.
- Fertility story:
We married late in life and decided to pursue IVF.
- Do you have any children? (If so please explain) two children
- Marital status: Married
- My Information:
- I Am: Female
- My Age: 41 - 45
- My Race: Asian
- My Eye Color: Brown
- My Hair Color: Dark Brown
- My Education/employment info: Graduate Degree
- Partner Information: (Or N/A)
- My Partner Is: Male
- Partner Age or N/A: N/A
- Patner Race or N/A: Asian
- Partner Eye Color or N/A: Brown
- Partner Hair Color: Black
- Partner education/employment info or N/A: Graduate Degree
- Was an egg donor used or N/A? No
- Was sperm donor used or N/A? No
- Any children resulting from this batch of embryos? Yes
- Any other children? (If so please explain) Yes, a boy
- How many embryos do you have available to donate? 2
- Name or city/state of clinic/facility where embryos were created: New York
- Year when your embryo(s) were frozen: 2019
- Overall embryo batch quality: excellent
- Stage when frozen: Blastocyst
- Day frozen: Frozen on multiple days
- Final Thoughts (This are is for both embryo donors and embryo recipients. Please clarify any answers from above or include any info you would like to share):
PGT tested normal
My/Our Interests
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