Beautiful Embryos in Search of Joyful & Loving Family
We are probably a bit of an academic family. We love to explore and learn, especially spend our vacation time visiting ancient historical sites. We also very much like to learn languages and learn more about different cultures. We are also very family oriented. We think that children are the greatest blessing anybody can experience and we want to give our children the best possible start in life and always be there for them.
- Snapshot of my life and family:
Dear Adopting Parent(s),
My name is Max. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and get to know me and my family a little better.
We are a small but very happy family with a single dad and three children who live on the beautiful Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. At the moment I am juggling work and childcare. I am lucky that I am able to work from home for the most part, which is a useful aspect of being a scientist by trade, where I just need a laptop and an internet connection in order to go to work. Our oldest child is already 18 years old and there is quite a bit of an age gap to the youngest ones, who are three years old. Perhaps we are a little bit of an usual family with just a single dad, but for us it feels just wonderful to have such a close bond and to be blessed with such happiness and harmony. With the youngest children a surrogate mother and an egg donor were involved and I am so eternally grateful to them for helping us along the way. I am still amazed and in awe of all the fantastic people who have helped us along the journey. This year I could see that especially the youngest ones would very much appreciate a little baby brother or a little baby sister to play with, so I have decided to we’ll attempt to add to our family. We are fortunate enough to live in a place where it is great for children to grow up, we are on a small island with lots of beautiful beaches, green meadows, forests to explore, a mountain to climb and most of all, a whole bunch of very friendly and warm-hearted people who live here on the Isle of Man. My youngest son loves steam trains the most at the moment, and every weekend we now have to ride the steam train which we have here on the island as a tourist attraction. The youngest children are twins, but funnily enough they are looking completely different and most people who don’t know them wouldn’t even think they are related, which is so funny.
So when I decided to try IVF again, we were very blessed in that the IVF cycle was successful far beyond my most optimistic expectations and we have a lot more embryos than what is a normal outcome. We’ve managed to get 16 embryos (wow!), which is a little bit more than expected. So we decided to reserve half of the embryos for our present und future family planning and to donate the other half to an adopting family. I consider myself very lucky that we had an egg donor who is just such a super nice person. I have asked the donor through her agency if she was OK if we are looking for adoptive parents for the extra embryos, and she was very enthusiastic about she idea. Like me, she has a very Christian mindset and she wants to help other people and what could possibly be nicer than helping another family to have a baby to love and cherish. I care very much for the little souls and I so much want to be able to find a loving home for them all. I have to say that I am really open as to what kind of family you are and what kind of contact arrangement we should agree on. All that is important to me is that the little embryos find someone who loves them and cares about them very much. We would certainly appreciate it very much just to see some photograph every now and again and hear how the little ones are doing.
Lots of love,
Max - Fertility story:
My autobiography
So, please let me share some things about myself. Physically I am quite tall, almost 6’4’’, but probably good in proportion. Agewise I am in my forties - but I feel very young at heart :-)
I think it quite important to keep healthy, especially when you have children, so I try to fit in as much sports as I can cram into my busy schedule. Especially, I like swimming a lot. I have straight black hair, a medium skin tone and hazel eyes. My family, in terms of parents and grandparents is from all different parts of the word, so I consider myself ethnically as being rather mixed and one of a kind. In terms of religion, I have been brought up as a Roman Catholic and I still like to go to church and take part and volunteer in all kinds of church-sponsored activities. As a child I particularly loved the boy scouts, which I thought was a great mix of good things and influences. I am probably a bit on the academic side. I have a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester in England, where I did research in Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. After Manchester I was offered a post as a research scientist at a large technology company on Route 128 in Massachusetts and I spent many very happy years stateside. When I worked in the US, I loved the fact that American people tend to be so warm-hearted and family oriented. I made many new friends, friendships that lasted the test of time and most of the people I met back then are still close and dear friends now.At the moment I tend to spend most of my time on the beautiful Isle of Man. I love it particularly, because it is such a great place to bring up children. Great outdoors, right on the ocean and so small, that you always bump into someone you know, no matter where you go. Since a couple of years, I have been self-employed. I am fortunate that I have been able to turn my academic passions and interests into a kind of business model. I have filed quite a number of inventions with the US patent office myself and I help and advise clients with all kind of aspects regarding intellectual property rights.
Since I work from home, I am lucky enough to be able to be around the children pretty much all of the time. Of course, I sometimes need a little assistance, when I am busy, but I am very fortunate to have two very excellent nannies who make sure that the children are never in need of anything. The nannies live with us permanently (they normally take turns every 4 weeks), so we all have become best friends over the years, and they are an absolutely integral part of the family. A long time ago I was married, and I have one grown up son from that marriage. My eldest son absolutely loves his new little brother and sister and it is so heartwarming how well they all get on despite the considerable age gap.I tend to spend my time either working, doing sports to keep fit, or doing fun things with the children. When we socialize it is usually as a family and we tend to do a lot of church-organized activities together. This is probably in part because we have such an absolutely lovely local Christian congregation here, and where everybody makes you feel part of one big family. That being said I also have a lot of friends of other religions too, and I am taking quite a keen interest in their customs too. I am just a very open person and I so much love meeting nice people of all kinds and creeds and spending quality time with them.
- Infertility diagnosis or N/A:
- Do you have any children? (If so please explain) 3
- Marital status: Single
- My Information:
- I Am: Male
- My Age: 41 - 45
- My Race: Caucasian
- My Eye Color: Hazel
- My Hair Color: Black
- My Education/employment info: scientist
- Partner Information: (Or N/A)
- My Partner Is: N/A
- Partner Age or N/A: N/A
- Patner Race or N/A: N/A
- Partner Eye Color or N/A: N/A
- Partner Hair Color: N/A
- Was an egg donor used or N/A? Yes
- Was sperm donor used or N/A? N/A
- Any children resulting from this batch of embryos? Yes
- Any other children? (If so please explain) yes, three older children
- How many embryos do you have available to donate? N/A - I am a Recipient
- Name or city/state of clinic/facility where embryos were created: Cancun, Mexico
- Name and city/state of clinic/facility where embryos are stored: AFCC, Cancun, Mexico
- Year when your embryo(s) were frozen: 2022
- Stage when frozen: Blastocyst
- Day frozen: 5

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