Hi There,
My name is Pia. My husband is Jason. We were married in 2018 (together since 2015). In the Fall of 2018 we were told that we would need to go through IVF in order to conceive. My eggs were “older than my body” and my uterus was “inhospitable”- which was a shock because we love to host…We started our IVF journey in 2019. Our entire journey lasted from 2019-2023. This time included multiple surgeries to remove fibroids due to endometriosis, multiple cycles being started on meds just to have the cycle cancelled, switching fertility doctors; We were blessed with 3 embryos- which was such a blessing because we were not sure we would get any. We became pregnant with our son Levi against all odds- the doctor prepared us that it probably would not work. By the time I processed that we were going to be parents to our little boy, right after we announced our pregnancy to our families, we lost him at 7 weeks. I am a L&D nurse and was in the OR in a c-section when I started bleeding and the miscarriage began. A year, many tears, office visits and surgeries later, our daughter Paisley was implanted. This time we were very hopeful as we had switched doctors and protocols. Unfortunately, our daughter did not implant. This heart break was terrible and my husband and I decided to take a break from IVF to nourish our marriage. Throughout that year the conversation came up that we were not in a space to undergo the process again as I would need additional surgeries and a trial transfer before an actual transfer could occur. We decided to be done but kept our little one in the freezer because there was always a glimmer of hope in the back of my mind. In 2024 I was diagnosed with pre-cervical cancer. The type of cell is aggressive and if not removed would have turned into cancer. Due to the type of cell and location, I was informed my uterus would have to be removed. This hit me like a ton of bricks. There is a difference in saying ” we are done” and going to ” we are forced to be done” because I no longer have the parts a woman needs to grow a baby. Surrogacy is not an option for us. I am not sure why we were not allowed to have our babies on earth, and I may never know the answer to that on this side of heaven. But I do know nothing is wasted on God. There is a plan and a purpose. Our hope is that our baby girl would be the miracle that another family is praying for. That would make our journey worthwhile.
- Snapshot of my life and family:
We have 4 fur babies. 2 dogs and 2 cats. They are our babies. it is messy, chaotic and full of love.
- Fertility story:
Please see fertility story in "about me/us" section
- Infertility diagnosis or N/A:
Diminshed Ovarian Reserve, Partial Hysterectomy
- Do you have any children? (If so please explain) no
- Marital status: Married
- My Information:
- I Am: Female
- My Age: 36 - 40
- My Race: Caucasian
- My Eye Color: Hazel
- My Hair Color: Blond
- My Education/employment info: Registered Nurse/Nursing Faculty
- Partner Information: (Or N/A)
- My Partner Is: Male
- Partner Age or N/A: 41 - 45
- Patner Race or N/A: Caucasian
- Partner Eye Color or N/A: Hazel
- Partner Hair Color: Light Brown
- Partner education/employment info or N/A: Superintendent for Ryan Construction
- Was an egg donor used or N/A? No
- Was sperm donor used or N/A? No
- Any children resulting from this batch of embryos? No
- Any other children? (If so please explain) No
- How many embryos do you have available to donate? 1
- Name or city/state of clinic/facility where embryos were created: Aurora Fertility Services West Allis, WI
- Name and city/state of clinic/facility where embryos are stored: Aurora West Allis,WI
- Year when your embryo(s) were frozen: 2020
- Overall embryo batch quality: Good
- Stage when frozen: Blastocyst
- Day frozen: 5

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