SMBC with close relationship with donor family looking for new home for two remaining high quality, tested embryos. We are all seeking an open adoption and intend to keep an active role in our kids’s lives as aunties and cousins. We would love to find someone on Northeastern coast of US as I live in NYC and donors live in Halifax. Liberal politics, non-religious, focus on kindness and community, prefer either gay couples or SMBC
- Snapshot of my life and family:
I am a SMBC who had a daughter via embryo adoption almost 5 years ago. We live in NYC and love visiting with our extraordinary donor family once a year. They have two boys who are 6 and 8. Donor mom and son with brown hair and blue eyes. They used an anonymous sperm donor who had blonde hair and blue eyes. My daughter’s full sibling ADHD.
- Fertility story:
I was 40 and knew I didn’t want to undergo IVF so sought out embryo adoption with quick success. I also knew our family was complete after one child.
- Infertility diagnosis or N/A:
N/ A
- Do you have any children? (If so please explain) One
- Marital status: Single
- My Information:
- I Am: Female
- My Age: 46
- My Race: Caucasian
- My Eye Color: Blue
- My Hair Color: Light Brown
- My Education/employment info: Graduate degree
- Partner Information: (Or N/A)
- My Partner Is: N/A
- Partner Age or N/A: N/A
- Patner Race or N/A: Caucasian
- Partner Eye Color or N/A: Blue
- Partner Hair Color: Blond
- Was an egg donor used or N/A? No
- Was sperm donor used or N/A? Yes
- Any children resulting from this batch of embryos? Yes
- Any other children? (If so please explain) One
- How many embryos do you have available to donate? 2
- Name or city/state of clinic/facility where embryos were created: Olive clinic - Vancouver, BC
- Name and city/state of clinic/facility where embryos are stored: Olive clinic - Vancouver BC
- Year when your embryo(s) were frozen: 2015
- Overall embryo batch quality: Good
- Stage when frozen: Blastocyst
- Day frozen: 6
- Final Thoughts (This are is for both embryo donors and embryo recipients. Please clarify any answers from above or include any info you would like to share):
I am advertising on behalf of the donor family and myself.
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