Miracles Waiting
Embryo Donation Program Is Now At: https://miracleswaiting.com/membersonly/
About Miracles Waiting:
- Miracles Waiting is dedicated to providing valuable information on all aspects of embryo donation, as well as offering embryo donors and recipients the opportunity to find each other and allowing them the freedom to work out the details on their own terms.
How does it works?
Miracles Waiting is not affiliated with any IVF clinic, embryo donation agency, adoption agency, or religious organization.
Is Miracles Waiting a clinic?
We are not a clinic and we also don’t have embryos available for donation in storage. Our program is entirely web based and works as a matching service for donors and recipients. This allows the donors to make “known” donations and for both the donors and recipients to create the agreement and relationship they want.
Embryo donation can provide the opportunity to assist others who want to conceive by donating available embryos and giving someone else the chance to start or add to their own family.
Does Miracles Waiting do the Matching?
We don’t do the matching. Most donations arranged through Miracles Waiting are known donations and, at a minimum, you will have email contact directly with the donor families. It is always up to the family donating the embryos who they pick for their embryos and not us.
“We used this site and found a couple who adopted our embryos and had a child. We were so delighted that our embryos were given a chance for life – and to help a wonderful couple realize their dream of having a child. I highly recommend this incredibly rewarding option for giving your frozen embryos a chance.”

“I struggled for years over what to do with my embryos…. now I am resolved…… and because of MW I made a lovely connection to this amazing couple, who struggled for years with failed IVF, failed donor egg….. and who will soon be parents.”

“My husband and I have donated 8 embryos, this being our last. They went to a total of four families, three of which we found through Miracles Waiting. Four amazing kids have been born of the 7 embryos transferred, and we’re hoping that this last one takes and enables this lovely person to enjoy parenting. We’re very thankful for a place like Miracles Waiting.”